GMRS Information


So what is GMRS?  Here are two sites that explains GMRS in detail

The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) says GMRS is:

The Personal Radio Steering Group, Inc.(PRSG) says GMRS is:

GMRS rules

What are the FCC regulations covering GMRS?

How much does a GMRS license cost?

The FCC license fee for GMRS

How do I get a license to operate GMRS?

FCC provides GMRS license information, and FCC 605 license application

HRD Enterprises provides excellent information on how to apply for a GMRS license.

How do I find out if there is a GMRS repeater system in my city?

PRSG published a National Repeater Guide, however it was published in 1977.  They have not release and update since then. provides some repeater information. (could not connect as of 2010-05-23) Repeater Information

Radio Emergency Associated Communication Teams (REACT) also uses GMRS.  To find out if the REACT team in your area uses GMRS, check out the REACT team page to contact the REACT team nearest to you.  You will find some web sites listed for various REACT teams.  So we will not list those sites here except when the teams are mentioned.

California GMRS repeater users organizations

For those in Southern California, there is a GMRS user group called Repeater Users Group (RUG).  Here is a list of RUG's repeater locations.

There is also So California GMRS Group.

In the San Francisco Bay Area, there are repeaters in:

All other GMRS repeater users organizations

Ray Vaughan's GMRS repeater in Miami

Lakes Area GMRS Repeater Group in the Great Lakes Area

Equipment Authorization System Generic Search

Equipment Authorization System Grantee Search

Pending Grantee Search

Where can I find more information about GMRS?  Here are some websites that have tons of information.  Happy surfing.

Yahoo also provides several internet groups that provides GMRS Information
